First known post to usenet. Original.
From: (Daniel Boese) Subject: Re: HELP: Recognising stratigic dispositions. Date: 1995/05/22 Message-ID: <>#1/1 X-Deja-AN: 103026529 references: <3pivcg$> <> <3pok1p$> organization: Niagara Peninsula Free-Net newsgroups: I've been lurking for a while here and am finally putting my $.02 in... :) Is there any way to combine all of the previously mentioned approaches, with limits on each? They've all got advantages, and are more useful in certain situations than others (ie, influence mapping seems like it would be excellent if you had a several forces on each side, some surrounding each other). But is there any way for the AI to recognize which method to use in a particular situation? Or would it do a "quickie" run of each, and compare? Then again, I'm not entirely sure I have any idea what I'm talking about... :) -- -- Daniel Boese aka Flying Fox
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