Archive for August, 2001

Coined the word I would eventually adopt as my nom de net.

Sender: Daniel Boese <>
From: DataPacRat <>
Subject: DataPacRat's datapacrats (TL8)
User-Agent: tin/1.4.4-20000803 ("Vet for the Insane") (UNIX) (Linux/2.4.7 (i686))
Lines: 120
Message-ID: <rHdi7.6845$>
Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2001 21:17:11 GMT
X-Trace: 998860631 (Sun, 26 Aug 2001 17:17:11 EDT)
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2001 17:17:11 EDT
Organization: Bell Sympatico

 Having just acquired "GURPS Robots", I've started playing around with the 
system. Here's one of the more interesting results - a small "courier" 
robot, the size of a real-life rat, that can scoot along at over 50 mph. 
With a range of 10 miles, their radios make them a wonderful platform to 
create a "distributed system" independent of any other network... (And 
yes, I know that the point-cost is meaningless if the 'bot isn't going to 
be a PC, but I wanted to check it anyway.)

 What do you think of them?


DataPacRat's datapacrats (TL8)

Brain: Tiny, Compact (0.25 lbs, 0.005 cf, $400), Complexity 1.
 Absolute Timing, Doesn't Sleep, Eidetic Memory 2, Lightning Calculator, 
Mathematical Ability. Cannot Learn, Reprogrammable Dute, No Sense of 
Humor, Slave Mentality (-5 points).

Sensors: Basic Sensors, Low-Resolution Hearing (-10 points), 
Low-Resolution Vision (nearsighted) (-25 points), Color-blind (-10 
points), One eye (-10 points), No sense of Smell/Taste (-5 points) (0.4 
lbs, 0.008 cf, $1,000).

Communicator: Basic Communicator, Mute (-5 points) (0.2 lbs, 0.004 cf, 

Arm Motor: ST 1 (0.2 lbs, 0.004 cf, $400, 0.005 kW). Reach: Close (7 

Drivetrain: Wheeled, 0.01 kW (0.075 lbs, 0.0015 cf, $1.50).
 6 wheels (0.006 cf).

Power System: rB cell (0.05 lbs, 0.005 cf, $30, 180 kWs).
 Power Requirement: 0.015 kW. Endurance: 3 hours, 20 minutes (-10 
 Can operate without "breathing" (20 points).

Subassemblies: One arm (-20 points).

Arm Design: Houses ST 1 motor (0.004 cf).

Body Design: Houses brain, sensors, communicator, drivetrain, energy 
bank, and 0.0025 cf of cargo space (about 1 by 2 by 2.16 inches, holding 
up to 0.125 lbs / 2 oz), and 0.45 lbs riding on top (0.026 cf).
 High Pain Threshold, Immunity to Disease (20 points).
 No Naural Healing (-20 points).

Surface Area: Total surface area 0.5 sf. Top Deck: 24 square inches.
 Size: 10.4 inches long, 2.3 inches wide, 2.16 inches tall.
 (Up to 54 can crowd into 1 square yard.)

Structure: Super-Light, Advanced (0.075 lbs, $50).

Hit Points: Arm: 1; Body: 1. Each wheel: 1.

Armor: DR 1 laminate (0.05 lbs, $5, PD 1, LC 6) (29 points); Sealed 
($10) (20 points); Appearance: Very Beautiful ($25) (25 points)

Statistics: 1.875 lbs (0.0009375 tons); 0.03 cf (10.4 inches long); 
$1,676.50. Body ST 1, arm ST 1 (-80 points), DX 8 (-15 points), IQ 4 (-50 
points), HT 12/1 (-35 points). Speed 26.13 (17.5 points). Legality Class 
 Size Modifier: -5; Inconvenient Size (-10 points).
 Move: 26. Dodge: 2. Step: 6 hexes.
 Termal Velocity (falling): 170 mph.

Model Point Cost: -168.5 points.

Vehicle Statistics: gSpeed 55 mph, gAccel 3 mph/s, gDecel 10 mph/s, gMR 
1.5, gSR 3, gPressure 315 (Very Low, Offroad speed * 0.8). wSpeed 1 mph, 
wAccel 0.2 mph/s, wDecel 10 mph/s, wMR 0.75, wSR 4, wDraft 0.98 inches.

Maintanance Interval: 491 hours (every 147 battery changes).

 up to 2 lbs: Normal Move
 up to 6 lbs: Move * 80% = 22.
 up to 10 lbs: Move * 60% = 16.
 up to 15 lbs: Move * 40% = 10.
 up to 20 lbs: Move * 20% = 5.
 up to 30 lbs: Move = 1.
One-handed lift: Max. 6 lbs.



* Cheap: Cost * 0.8, HT -1.
* Very Cheap: Cost * 0.5, HT -2.

* Wheel blades (0.02 lbs, $1.98).

* Neural Net, +2 DX Reflex Booster ($1,600, DX 10, IQ 5) (+90 points).

* Gyrobalance ($5,000) (+15 points).

* Surface Sensors ($600) (+0 points).

* Micromanipulators ($1,600) (+15 points).

* Electrified Surface (0.1 lbs, $5).

* Replace the cargo space with Mass Storage (0.25 gig, $25).

Any one of:
* Solar Cells (0.025 lbs, 0.25 sf, $7.50, 0.01 kW).
* Reflective Surface ($7.50) (+2 points).
* Liquid Crystal Skin (0.1 lbs, $20).
* Basic Chameleon System (0.2 lbs, $40) (+15 points).


Thank you for your time,
The Rrangoon species is available at