-------------------------------------------------------- Path: furry.olsy-na.com!sandcastle!db97al From: db97al@sandcastle.cosc.brocku.ca (Daniel Eliot Boese) Newsgroups: fur.artwork.discuss Subject: Foxtaur Image List, v1.0 Date: 1 Nov 1997 17:44:27 GMT Organization: Velan Central Library - Terran Annex Lines: 794 Distribution: fur Message-ID: <63fppr$gjj$1@velar.olsy-na.com> NNTP-Posting-Host: sandcastle.cosc.brocku.ca X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] Xref: furry.olsy-na.com fur.artwork.discuss:660 I've been collecting foxtaur pictures for a while, and made up this little index as I went along. And since I have nothing better to do for five minutes, I'm passing it along to you. :) It might have some errors, is missing a few pieces of data, and almost certainly is missing a few pictures. If anyfur can help me fix or complete it, please do. A few notes: a ? means that I'm not sure of that piece of data, and a ! means that what I've typed is definately wrong. Descriptions that start immediately after the colon are my own words, and those that start on the next line are from the artist. For rating, "G" means nothing explicit. I use "R" if a male sheath is visible, "X" for breasts, "XX" for male arousal, and "XXX" for anything more explicit. All images are probably copyrighted by their artists. If the picture listed isn't at avatar.snc.edu, fur.com, or furry.olsy-na.com, you should take a look at the person's homepage for more details. PS: Please don't be offended if I call your favorite artist "yet another furry artist". You start to run out of things to say about artists after the first few dozen... :) ----- Lance Rund's images are no longer available online or for public distribution. File: carmot.gif Link: !ftp://ftp.best.com/pub/fox/carmot.gif Artist: Lance Rund <lance@arclight.net> Rating: XX Dimensions: 602x522 Filesize: 17,398 Date: Monday, February 13, 1995 Description: Carmot from FurryMUCK (male arctic fox'taur), explicit male arousal. File: cry-fox.gif Link: !ftp://ftp.best.com/pub/fox/cry-fox.gif Artist: Lance Rund <lance@arclight.net> Rating: G Dimensions: 266x389 Filesize: 27,817 Date: Wednesday, February 22, 1995 Description: A male foxtaur, feeling alone and scared. File: foxtaur.gif Link: !ftp://ftp.best.com/pub/fox/foxtaur.gif Artist: Lance Rund <lance@arclight.net> Rating: XX Dimensions: 432x432 Filesize: 11,801 Date: Monday, February 13, 1995 Description: A post-orgasmic male arctic fox'taur, sexual activity. File: luvpup.gif Link: !ftp://ftp.best.com/pub/fox/luvpup.gif Artist: Lance Rund <lance@arclight.net> Rating: XX Dimensions: 480x600 Filesize: 85,852 Date: ? Description: An aroused male(?) foxtaur. File: taur-pp2.gif Link: !ftp://ftp.best.com/pub/fox/taur-pp2.gif Artist: Lance Rund <lance@arclight.net> Rating: R Dimensions: 600x600 Filesize: 81,176 Date: ? Description: A foxtaur after a six-pack. ----- Shane Mans has a number of images at the Avatar archive. File: alex-and-pat.gif Link: ftp://avatar.snc.edu/pub/furry/images/downloads/a/alex-and-pat.gif http://www.furnation.com/avatar/a/alex-and-pat.gif Artist: Shane Mans <MatterCat@aol.com> Rating: G Dimensions: 351x357, 16 colour, colour Filesize: 18,174 Date: Mar 26 20:08 1996 Description: A quick pencil sketch Alex the foxtaur and Patrick the shadowcat on one of their jorneys together. File: alextaur.gif Link: ftp://avatar.snc.edu/pub/furry/images/downloads/a/alextaur.gif http://www.furnation.com/avatar/a/alextaur.gif Artist: Shane Mans <MatterCat@aol.com> Rating: G Dimensions: 680x805, 256 colour, greyscale Filesize: 470,139 Date: Jun 10 00:55 1996 Description: Alex, an adventuring foxtaur, takes a brief pause from his travels through the northern wastes. File: arcane.jpg Link: ftp://avatar.snc.edu/pub/furry/images/downloads/a/arcane.jpg http://www.furnation.com/avatar/a/arcane.jpg Artist: Shane Mans <MatterCat@aol.com> Rating: G Dimensions: 514x523, greyscale Filesize: 42,994 Date: Feb 11 23:04 1997 Description: Arcane Westwind, a foxtaur, contemplates the true nature of magic. File: dsled.gif Link: ftp://avatar.snc.edu/pub/furry/images/downloads/d/dsled.gif http://www.furnation.com/avatar/d/dsled.gif Artist: Shane Mans <MatterCat@aol.com> Rating: G Dimensions: 413x417, 16 colour, colour Filesize: 20,811 Date: Mar 26 20:33 1996 Description: Alex the foxtaur and Patrick the shadowcat on their "demon sled". File: ENOCH.JPG Link: ftp://avatar.snc.edu/pub/furry/images/downloads/e/ENOCH.JPG http://www.furnation.com/avatar/e/ENOCH.JPG Artist: Shane Mans <MatterCat@aol.com> Rating: G Dimensions: 556x470 Filesize: 36,379 Date: Feb 10 19:54 1997 Description: Enoch, a foxtaur, snarls menacingly at an unseen opponent. File: inlove.jpg Link: ftp://avatar.snc.edu/pub/furry/images/downloads/i/inlove.jpg http://www.furnation.com/avatar/i/inlove.jpg Artist: Shane Mans <MatterCat@aol.com> Rating: G Dimensions: 801x499 Filesize: 81,344 Date: Feb 10 19:54 1997 Description: Two foxtaurs hold each other tenderly. File: WALL.JPG Link: ftp://avatar.snc.edu/pub/furry/images/downloads/w/WALL.JPG http://www.furnation.com/avatar/w/WALL.JPG Artist: Shane Mans <MatterCat@aol.com> Rating: G Dimensions: 533x541 Filesize: 44,460 Date: Feb 10 19:53 1997 Description: A curious female foxtaur takes a peek over a wall. ----- Whitefire is yet another furry artist. File: pt-bondotaur.gif Link: http://www.fur.com/wfire/art/data/pt-bondotaur.gif Artist: Whitefire (Peter Torkelson) <wfire@fur.com> Rating: XX Dimensions: 741x535, 8 bit, B&W Filesize: 9,454 Date: ? Description: Fox'taur in bondage, side view. Quite helpless, and with an erection. File: pt-bondotaurc.jpg Link: http://www.fur.com/wfire/art/data/pt-bondotaurc.jpg Artist: Whitefire (Peter Torkelson) <wfire@fur.com> Rating: XX Dimensions: 700x494, 24 bit, colour Filesize: 41,113 Date: ? Description: Fox'taur in bondage, side view. Quite helpless, and with an erection. The color version has some realy bad errors, but that will have to wait until I can reink and color it. File: pt-bondotaur2.jpg Link: http://www.fur.com/wfire/art/data/pt-bondotaur2.jpg Artist: Whitefire (Peter Torkelson) <wfire@fur.com> Rating: R Dimensions: 346x700, 24 bits, B&W Filesize: 45,584 Date: ? Description: Second fox'taur in bondage peice. This time he is between two posts, lower torso supported by a harness and straps, his crotch nice and presented. ----- Shaterri is a male foxtaur. Several artists have drawn pictures of him. File: erych-n-shaterri.gif Link: ftp://avatar.snc.edu/pub/furry/images/downloads/e/erych-n-shaterri.gif http://www.furnation.com/avatar/e/erych-n-shaterri.gif Artist: Jimmy Chin Rating: G Dimensions: 832x583, 256 colour, B&W Filesize: 15,994 Date: Sep 7 00:00 1991 Description: Two male foxtaurs, sitting and talking. (Erych is a polymorpher). [Erych (c) Chris Moir, Shaterri (c) Steve Stadniki] File: Shaterri-gw.gif Link: ftp://avatar.snc.edu/pub/furry/images/downloads/s/Shaterri-gw.gif http://www.furnation.com/avatar/s/Shaterri-gw.gif Artist: Greywolf Rating: G Dimensions: 998x768, 16 colour, B&W Filesize: 29,720 Date: Feb 1 12:47 1993 Description: Shaterri (vulpine hexaped @ FurryMUCK) sitting. File: shaterri-krs.gif Link: ftp://avatar.snc.edu/pub/furry/images/downloads/s/shaterri-krs.gif ftp://furry.olsy-na.com/pub/Images/Ken-Sample/shaterri-krs.gif http://www.furnation.com/avatar/s/shaterri-krs.gif Artist: Kenneth Sample <cougr@lyon.net> Rating: G Dimensions: 654x636, 8 bit, B&W Filesize: 12,666 Date: Aug 17 00:00 1992 Description: Shaterri walking. [Shaterri (c) Steven Stadnicki] File: shaterri.gif Link: ftp://avatar.snc.edu/pub/furry/images/downloads/s/shaterri.gif http://wuarchive.wustl.edu/multimedia/images/gif/s/shaterri.gif ftp://furry.olsy-na.com/pub/Images/Ken-Sample/shaterri.gif http://www.furnation.com/avatar/s/shaterri.gif Artist: Kenneth Sample <cougr@lyon.net> Rating: G Dimensions: 280x400, 8 bit, B&W Filesize: 4,778 Date: Sep 7 00:00 1991 Description: Shaterri run/jumping. (Smaller version of shaterri_big.gif.) File: shaterri_big.gif Link: ftp://avatar.snc.edu/pub/furry/images/downloads/s/shaterri_big.gif http://wuarchive.wustl.edu/multimedia/images/gif/s/shaterri_big.gif ftp://furry.olsy-na.com/pub/Images/Ken-Sample/shaterri_big.gif http://www.furnation.com/avatar/s/shaterri_big.gif Artist: Kenneth Sample <cougr@lyon.net> Rating: G Dimensions: 896x1280, 8 bit, B&W Filesize: 32,110 Date: Sep 7 00:00 1991 Description: Shaterri run/jumping. (Larger version of shaterri.gif) File: birthday.gif Link: ftp://furry.olsy-na.com/pub/Images/Ken-Sample/birthday.gif Artist: Kenneth Sample <cougr@lyon.net> Rating: G Dimensions: 704x561, 8 bit, B&W Filesize: 144,058 Date: Mar 18 1996 Description: Shaterri prepares to get his birthday spanking. File: shat2.gif Link: http://rat.org/pub/furry/pidcocka/shat2.gif Artist: Loopy (Andrew Pidcock) <andrew@abilon.com> Rating: R Dimensions: 593x442, 8 bit, colour Filesize: 65,872 Date: 04/08/96 Description: Beautiful foxtaur leaping '95 ----- These two are part of a larger series. The foxtaur pictured, Vala, is usually a foxmorph. File: TaurTease.gif Link: ftp://avatar.snc.edu/pub/furry/images/downloads/t/TaurTease.gif http://www.furnation.com/avatar/t/TaurTease.gif Artist: Chris Kozloski (kozloce@wkuvx1.wku.edu) Rating: G Dimensions: 800x852, 16 colour, colour Filesize: 191,920 Date: Jan 24 08:53 1995 Description: This is a picture of Tarin teasing Vala about her new Foxtaur form. File: Withdrawl.gif Link: ftp://avatar.snc.edu/pub/furry/images/downloads/w/Withdrawl.gif http://www.furnation.com/avatar/w/Withdrawl.gif Artist: Chris Kozloski (kozloce@wkuvx1.wku.edu) Rating: G Dimensions: 1096x804, 16 colour, B&W Filesize: 182,200 Date: 01/24/95 Description: Tarin in withdrawl as Falfen and Twink seal his death tea bottle in a toxic waste barrel. Vala is keeping him under control. ----- These five are a set about an "X-Files"ish furry setting. File: sp-rv1.gif Link: http://rat.org/pub/furry/mcileli/sp-rv1.gif http://www.furnation.com/spatter/sp-rv1.gif ftp://avatar.snc.edu/pub/furry/images/downloads/s/sp-rv1.gif http://www.furnation.com/avatar/s/sp-rv1.gif Artist: Spatter (Eli McIlveen) <eli@golden.net> Rating: G Dimensions: 768x480, 8 bit, colour Filesize: 13,719 Date: 10/22/96 Description: Rudy Vroom (foxtaur), amateur investigator of unusual phenomena (and my first recurring character). File: sp-rv2.gif Link: http://rat.org/pub/furry/mcileli/sp-rv2.gif http://www.furnation.com/spatter/sp-rv2.gif Artist: Spatter (Eli McIlveen) <eli@golden.net> Rating: G Dimensions: 640x480 Filesize: 14,566 Date: 10/22/96 Description: Rudy Vroom, armed with a camcorder. File: sp-i01.gif Link: http://rat.org/pub/furry/mcileli/sp-i01.gif http://www.furnation.com/spatter/sp-i01.gif Artist: Spatter (Eli McIlveen) <eli@golden.net> Rating: G Dimensions: 800x600, 8 bit, colour Filesize: 40,420 Date: 10/30/96 Description: The Investigators, #1: Rudy and Cheena make a discovery in the park. (Formerly sp-rv3.gif) File: sp-i02.gif Link: http://rat.org/pub/furry/mcileli/sp-i02.gif http://www.furnation.com/spatter/sp-i02.gif Artist: Spatter (Eli McIlveen) <eli@golden.net> Rating: G Dimensions: 800x600, 8 bit, colour Filesize: 61,642 Date: 10/30/96 Description: The Investigators, #2: R & C investigate a crop circle with a strangely familiar shape. File: sp-i03.gif Link: http://rat.org/pub/furry/mcileli/sp-i03.gif http://www.furnation.com/spatter/sp-i03.gif Artist: Spatter (Eli McIlveen) <eli@golden.net> Rating: G Dimensions: 640x480, 8 bit, colour Filesize: 46,723 Date: 11/08/96 Description: The Investigators, #3: Rudy & Cheena doing some background research on the computer. ----- Doug Winger is a good furry artists, but be warned - he has a high level of "spooge" in his pictures. File: bbadwolf.gif Link: ftp://furry.olsy-na.com/pub/Images/Doug-Winger/bbadwolf.gif Artist: Douglas Winger Rating: XXX Dimensions: 768x768, 8 bit, B&W Filesize: 70,865 Date: 10/21/96 Description: Giant herm foxtaur with giant human penis has sex with normal-sized female wolf. File: diyfun.gif Link: ftp://furry.olsy-na.com/pub/Images/Doug-Winger/diyfun.gif Artist: Douglas Winger Rating: XXX Dimensions: 640x506, 8 bit, B&W Filesize: 27,780 Date: 10/25/94 Description: Post-orgasmic herm foxtaur with giant human penis. File: vxntaur1.gif Link: ftp://furry.olsy-na.com/pub/Images/Doug-Winger/vxntaur1.gif Artist: Douglas Winger Rating: XX Dimensions: 640x480, 8 bit, B&W Filesize: 48,493 Date: 10/25/94 Description: Herm foxtaur with giant human penis. File: vxntaur2.gif Link: ftp://furry.olsy-na.com/pub/Images/Doug-Winger/vxntaur2.gif Artist: Douglas Winger Rating: XX Dimensions: 640x480, 8 bit, B&W Filesize: 35,478 Date: 10/25/94 Description: Herm foxtaur with giant human penis and enlarged breasts. ----- From a collection of "macrophilia" (giant-loving) furry art. File: Sylvan01.jpg Link: http://www.wavefront.com/~phantos/macro/Sylvan01.jpg Artist: Kenneth Sample <cougr@lyon.net> Rating: XX Dimensions: 581x800, 8 bit, B&W Filesize: 159,760 Date: ? Description: Giant male foxtaur with giant human penis. File: Sulvan02.jpg Link: http://www.wavefront.com/~phantos/macro/Sylvan02.jpg Artist: Kenneth Sample <cougr@lyon.net> Rating: XXX Dimensions: 581x800, 8 bit, B&W Filesize: 122,288 Date: ? Description: Giant male foxtaur with giant human penis. File: Sylvan03.jpg Link: http://www.wavefront.com/~phantos/macro/sylvan03.gif Artist: Kenneth Sample <cougr@lyon.net> Rating: XXX Dimensions: 640x422, 8 bit, B&W Filesize: 110,630 Date: ? Description: Giant male foxtaur with giant human penis. File: foxanwolf.jpg Link: http://www.wavefront.com/~phantos/macro/foxanwolf.jpg Artist: David J Rust (Phantos) <phantos@wavefront.com> Rating: X Dimensions: 600x657 Filesize: 183,426 Date: ? Description: Giant female foxtaur with enlarged breasts holding normal- sized wolfmorph. ----- Amara Telgemeier is yet another furry artist. File: fxtr.jpg Link: ftp://furry.olsy-na.com/pub/Images/Amara-Telgemeier/old/fxtr.jpg Artist: oCeLoT (Amara Telgemeier) <ocelot@hooked.net> Rating: G Dimensions: 295x326, B&W Filesize: 29,752 Date: Nov 26 1996 Description: Male foxtaur with bat's wings. File: limelite.jpg Link: ftp://furry.olsy-na.com/pub/Images/Amara-Telgemeier/digital/limelite.jpg Artist: oCeLoT (Amara Telgemeier) <ocelot@hooked.net> Rating: G Dimensions: 431x422, 24 bits, colour Filesize: 71,698 Date: May 15 1997 05:36 Description: Male foxtaur with bat's wings. ----- Jim Tarpley: Three pictures of Cabot, a blue hermaphrodite, and one generic vixentaur. File: cabot.jpg Link: ? Artist: Jim Tarpley (Mutt) <kitsune@flash.net> Rating: R Dimensions: 408x480 Filesize: 213,072 Date: ? Description: Cabot sitting with hir plushie. File: cabot2.jpg Link: ? Artist: Jim Tarpley (Mutt) <kitsune@flash.net> Rating: X Dimensions: 408x480 Filesize: 208,174 Date: ? Description: Cabot lounging in a pool. File: cabot3.jpg Link: ? Artist: Jim Tarpley (Mutt) <kitsune@flash.net> Rating: XX Dimensions: 408x480 Filesize: 130,905 Date: ? Description: Cabot poses for the artist. File: nudetaur.jpg Link: ? Artist: Jim Tarpley (Mutt) <kitsune@flash.net> Rating: X Dimensions: 408x480 Filesize: 29,131 Date: ? Description: Yet another foxtaur posing in the nude. ----- Bernard Doove is well-known for his chakats. File: dsprtrch.gif Link: http://rat.org/pub/furry/doovbern/dsprtrch.gif http://www.felidae.apana.org.au/~chakat/Art/dsprtrch.gif Artist: Bernard Doove (Chakat Goldfur) <chakat@felidae.apana.org.au> Rating: G Dimensions: 640x746 Filesize: 126,194 Date: 08/29/97 Description: "Desperate Reach." A foxtaur cub, caught in rapids, desperately reaches for a rescuer's hand. An illustration for my story, A Forest Tale #5: Recreation which can be found on my website. File: f-archer.gif Link: http://rat.org/pub/furry/doovbern/f-archer.gif http://www.felidae.apana.org.au/~chakat/Art/archer.gif Artist: Bernard Doove (Chakat Goldfur) <chakat@felidae.apana.org.au> Rating: G Dimensions: 596x756 Filesize: 143,487 Date: 08/29/97 Description: Foxtaur vixen archer. An illustration for my story, A Forest Tale #5: Recreation. which can be found on my website. File: jw-gldfr.jpg Link: http://rat.org/pub/furry/willardj/jw-gldfr.jpg http://www.felidae.apana.org.au/~chakat/Images/jw-gldfr.jpg Artist: Jessica Willard (Ginger) <fever@netcom.com> Rating: R Dimensions: 731x567 Filesize: 96,875 Date: 10/20/97 Description: Goldfur and Garrek: A pair of 'taurforms: Goldfur, a Chakat, and Garrek, a male fox'taur, snuggling together in a vaguely foresty scene. Chakats, "Goldfur" and "Garrek" (C)1997 B. Doove. ----- Michael Higgs, yet another furry artist. File: higgs1.gif Link: ftp://avatar.snc.edu/pub/furry/images/downloads/h/higgs1.gif http://www.furnation.com/avatar/h/higgs1.gif Artist: Michael Higgs (Pattrick, Jerry, Michael) <mhiggs@rat.org> Rating: R Dimensions: 320x200, 8 bit, B&W Filesize: 19,200 Date: ? Description: Female foxtaur. File: prom.gif Link: http://rat.org/pub/furry/higgmich/prom.gif Artist: Michael Higgs (Pattrick, Jerry, Michael) <mhiggs@rat.org> Rating: G Dimensions: 608x784 Filesize: 15,888 Date: 07/14/97 Description: One of my classic foxtaurs, all dressed for her Senior Prom. ----- Drew Vaughan, yet another furry artist. File: shaya4.jpg Link: http://rat.org/pub/furry/vaugdrew/shaya4.jpg Artist: Drew Vaughan (Syrano D'Marcus) <vaughan@magicnet.net> Rating: G Dimensions: 1000x760 Filesize: 104,949 Date: 09/20/97 Description: My first foxtaur pic. Whee! :) File: shayac.jpg Link: http://rat.org/pub/furry/vaugdrew/shayac.jpg Artist: Drew Vaughan (Syrano D'Marcus) <vaughan@magicnet.net> Rating: G Dimensions: 1000x719 Filesize: 128,330 Date: 09/30/97 Description: The recolorized version of Shaya. I've had a lot on my mind lately, and had a VERY difficult time concentrating on pencil work. So, for the time being, I've turned my efforts to working on some Photoshop n' stuff. I think the colors look MUCH more dramatic on this one, and the flare doesn't look cheesy, either. ----- Ami, the cybervixentaur has two images by different artists: File: amitaur.jpg Link: http://rat.org/pub/furry/akslkeit/amitaur.jpg Artist: Keith Aksland (ChrisPetrucci) <cj98@hotmail.com> Rating: G Dimensions: 617x618 Filesize: 82,547 Date: 04/02/97 Description: This is a pic of one of my FurToonia friends, Ami, the cybervixentaur. Keen, ne? File: by-amitr.jpg Link: http://rat.org/pub/furry/yackben/by-amitr.jpg Artist: Ben Yackley (Vidrio) <byackley@lausd.k12.ca.us> Rating: G Dimensions: 400x361 Filesize: 39,490 Date: 05/04/97 Description: Another pic of Ami, this one in 'taur form. Once again, Ami is (C) her player. ----- Helios also has two images by different artists: File: helios.jpg Link: http://furry.olsy-na.com/ftp-pub-Images/David-Cotelessa/helios.jpg Artist: David Cotelessa <spino@globalpac.com> Rating: R Dimensions: 800x579, 16 colours Filesize: 196,774 Date: 12/11/1996 07:53:00 AM Description: Helios the foxtaur is accosted by her new vacuum cleaner. File: r_helios.gif Link: ftp://furry.isc-br.com/pub/Images/Bobby/r_helios.gif Artist: Robert Holiday (Bobby) <holiday@pinky.wtower.com> Rating: XX Dimensions: 800x689 Filesize: 140,917 Date: Jul 28 07:38 1997 Description: An aroused hermaphrodite foxtaur poses. ----- Misc: File: atm-Kaltaur.gif Link: ftp://avatar.snc.edu/pub/furry/images/downloads/a/atm-Kaltaur.gif http://www.furnation.com/avatar/a/atm-Kaltaur.gif Artist: Alan Mackey <al@iam.com> Rating: G Dimensions: 1408x722, colour Filesize: 37,757 Date: 04/01/96 Description: See kaltaur.jpg below. Kalindra nal Kan, as a Foxtaur, with a surprise celebrity appearance! Commissioned by Brian Antoine. File: foxtaur.jpg Link: ? Artist: ? Rating: G Dimensions: 375x225 Filesize: 12,587 Date: ? Description: A poorly-sketched foxtaur. File: Foxtaur01-ns.JPG Link: http://home3.inet.tele.dk/nessus/Images/Foxtaur01-ns.JPG Artist: Nessus <nessus@post3.tele.dk> Rating: R Dimensions: 424x724, B&W Filesize: 42,794 Date: ? Description: Male foxtaur. File: hiretaur.gif Link: http://rat.org/pub/furry/knigterr/hiretaur.gif Artist: Terry Knight (MayFurr) <mayfurr@vixen.southern.co.nz> Rating: G Dimensions: Filesize: 54,317 Date: ? Description: A foxtaur working in an office. File: Jennycide.ash.gif Link: ftp://avatar.snc.edu/pub/furry/images/downloads/j/Jennycide.ash.gif http://www.furnation.com/avatar/j/Jennycide.ash.gif Artist: Ashtoreth (William Haas) Rating: XX Dimensions: 600x882, 8 bit Filesize: 51,142 Date: Apr 8 05:13 1997 Description: very big, very nasty hermaph foxtaur. *grin* Jennycide (c) N. Pollogies. (c)1997. File: kaltaur.jpg Link: http://rat.org/pub/furry/mackeyal/kaltaur.jpg Artist: Alan Mackey <al@iam.com> Rating: G Dimensions: 704x361, colour Filesize: 42,970 Date: 04/01/96 Description: See atm-Kaltaur.gif above. Kalindra nal Kan, as a Foxtaur, with a surprise celebrity appearance. Commissioned by Brian Antoine. File: keshkitt.gif Link: ftp://avatar.snc.edu/pub/furry/images/downloads/k/keshkitt.gif http://www.furnation.com/avatar/k/keshkitt.gif Artist: Conrad Wong <lynx@netcom.com> Rating: G Dimensions: 767x897, 2 colour, B&W Filesize: 19,770 Date: Jun 22 00:00 1992 Description: Keshantii (fox centaur) kittens. File: mee-zipo.gif Link: ftp://avatar.snc.edu/pub/furry/images/downloads/m/mee-zipo.gif http://www.furnation.com/avatar/m/mee-zipo.gif Artist: Murphy-Mee Rating: G Dimensions: 454x396, 8 bit, B&W Filesize: 26,748 Date: 1995 Description: Male fox(?)taur. File: morgan-g.gif Link: ftp://avatar.snc.edu/pub/furry/images/downloads/m/morgan-g.gif http://www.furnation.com/avatar/m/morgan-g.gif Artist: Genesis Eve Cook Rating: G Dimensions: 640x446, 16 colour, B&W Filesize: 9,422 Date: Thursday, October 26, 1995 Description: Morgan in his Foxtaur (Kitsune) form.. :) File: pawtuxec.jpg Link: http://www.km-cd.com/genesis/sinai/gallery/pawtuxec.jpg Artist: ? Rating: G Dimensions: 338x480, 24 bit, colour Filesize: 54,597 Date: 04/03/97 Description: A female foxtaur, sitting. File: WingFox.jpg Link: http://www.vargr.com/images/furry/WingFox.jpg Artist: The Werewolf! <werewolf@vargr.com> Rating: G Dimensions: 614x677 Filesize: 24,232 Date: ? Description: Foxtaur. Photoshop and Wacom tablet. A major fave of the Furry community is the 'taur' - take an animal - preferable a smaller animal like a fox, graft a humanoid version from the waist up onto a fully animal half from the neck down - you got a 'taur. Think 'centaur'. File: zerofox.jpg Link: http://rat.org/pub/furry/folerich/zerofox.jpg Artist: Richard Foley (Moonstalker) <paladin@alaweb.com> Rating: G Dimensions: 821x1152 Filesize: 152,583 Date: 03/15/97 Description: ZeroFox the Fox'taur from FluffMUCK. ZeroFox is (C) Paul Blalack. File: zw_zero3.jpg Link: http://rat.org/pub/furry/blalpaul/zw_zero3.jpg Artist: Paul Blalack (Zero Wolfe) <zero_wolfe@geocities.com> Rating: G Dimensions: 762x538 Filesize: 48,398 Date: 07/08/97 Description: Just a pic I did of the three main characters I play...ZeroFox (fox'taur) on FluffMuck, Zero Wolfe (plushie) on FurToonia, and Zero Wolfe (wolf) on FurryMuck. ----- -- Daniel Boese aka Nathal -------------------------------------------------------- Path: furry.olsy-na.com!sandcastle!db97al From: db97al@sandcastle.cosc.brocku.ca (Daniel Eliot Boese) Newsgroups: fur.artwork.discuss Subject: Re: Foxtaur Image List, v1.0 Date: 1 Nov 1997 17:51:27 GMT Organization: Velan Central Library - Terran Annex Lines: 11 Distribution: fur Message-ID: <63fq6v$gjj$2@velar.olsy-na.com> References: <63fppr$gjj$1@velar.olsy-na.com> NNTP-Posting-Host: sandcastle.cosc.brocku.ca X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] Xref: furry.olsy-na.com fur.artwork.discuss:661 Daniel Eliot Boese (db97al@sandcastle.cosc.brocku.ca) wrote: > All images are probably copyrighted by their artists. If the picture > listed isn't at avatar.snc.edu, fur.com, or furry.olsy-na.com, you > should take a look at the person's homepage for more details. I made a small mistake there: I meant to type "rat.org" instead of "fur.com". You should still look at the artist's pages at fur.com. :) -- Daniel Boese aka Nathal --------------------------------------------------------
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