Archive for December, 2009



… you know, if they actually sold that product in my country, I’d be willing to buy a bottle or two just to try to convince them to keep making that line of commercials.

Man, it must be a trip to watch broadcast TV in France…


To anyone who happens to be reading this – do you know of any artists who would be willing to be commissioned to draw a rat-shaped robot?


… you know, if they actually sold that product in my country, I’d be willing to buy a bottle or two just to try to convince them to keep making that line of commercials.

Man, it must be a trip to watch broadcast TV in France…


Man, watching French TV must be a trip: the new Orangina juice ad is near-fetishistically furry.


It’s been over a year since I last tweeted… and I’ve still got 62 followers. I wonder if I’ll get more or less after this tweet is posted?