Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category


Subject: Re: Canada Territory
Date: 1997/09/14
Message-ID: <5vh6sh$>#1/1
X-Deja-AN: 272441437
References: <> <> <5u9n38$plg$> <> <5v99kr$> <>
Organization: Brock University
Newsgroups: soc.history.what-if

: > > Actually Rohmers "The Trudeau Papers" is far more interesting.  Canada
: > >
: > > winds up in the middle of a nuclear misfire, with radioactive refugees
: > >
: > > being gunned down at the Manitoba-North Dakota border and Ontario
: > > placed
: > > under occupation by the US "at the invitation of the Canadian
: > > government"......

: >     An excellent book, though we must remember when it was written (the
: > 70's), the whole idea of the book was to create a "Vietnam-North"
: > scenario.   The author was not Rohmer BTW.  Im still checking to see who
: > actually was.  In keeping with the "What-If" format, if this story was
: > true - how would other nations (most notably England) react to the
: > literal Occupation/Invasion of Canada?

: Pretty sure the author _was_ Rohmer, as I used to have a copy - and still
: may.  Hmmm....maybe you're right it _wasn't_ Rohmer.....but can't think of
: anyone else paranoid enough...

 I just happen to have a copy of said novel handy...

Title: The Trudeau Papers
Authour: Ian Adams
Copyright: 1971

 A rather depressing little piece. The USA and USSR lob nukes at each 
other, which fall in Canada. Things go worse from there.

 Besides Rohmer's "Exxoneration" series and the Trudeau Papers, can 
anybody name any novels about the US taking over Canada, in the Past, 
Present, or Future?
 "The Two Georges" is another fun novel - King George and George 
Washington came to a historic agreement, leading to "British North 

Daniel Boese                             

Posted the compiled Timeline of Mystara, version 1.2, to the Mystara Mailing List.

Started attending Brock University, department of Computer Science.


From: (Daniel Boese)
Subject: HERO: newbie questions
Date: 1995/10/12
Message-ID: <>#1/1
X-Deja-AN: 117412147
organization: Niagara Peninsula Free-Net

I'm playing with designing characters of odd sorts, and was wondering:

What limitations do you recommend for a "hivemind" character? (half a 
dozen (alien) bodies, one mind... the farther apart they get, the 
stupider they get.)

What online resources are there for HERO (mostly Champions)?

Is the Ultimate Mentalist worth buying?

What else should I be asking? :)

Thanks in advance,

Daniel Boese


From: Daniel Boese <dboese@FREENET.NPIEC.ON.CA>
Subject: Newbie asking help
Date: Sun, 24 Sep 1995 01:14:38 GMT

If anybody knows what resources (on the Net or off) to look for to trace
back from this individual, please respond in email or on usenet.

Johan Boese (born Apr 3 1831, Russia. died 1915)
married Anna Buller (born Mar 25 1825, Russia. died Jan 13 1916) in 1856

Johann Boese (Dec 29 1858, Russia - ?)
Heinrich Boese (Feb 27 1861, Russia - ?)
Katherine Boese (Feb 29 1963, Russia - Sep 1953)
Peter Boese (Jan 26 1865, Russia - ?)
Jacob Boese (Dec 11 1868, Russia - Oct 25 1955)
Helena Boese (Apr 12 1869, Russia - Oct 1 1895)
Abram Boese (May 24 1871, Parker SD - Jun 2 1946)
David Boese (Aug 20 1873 - Jul 25 1874)
Anna Boese (Jul 1 1878, Parker SD - 1910)
Aganetha Boese (Apr 17 1880, Parker SD - ?)

Johan was a farmer in Bruderfeld, Crimea.
Johan and his family took the S.S. Silesia from Hamburg Dep,
arriving in New York July 8, 1874. (Though they were listed under
the name "Bese".)
Johan and his family moved to Parker, South Dakota in 1874.
They moved to the Hepburn area, Saskatchewan, Canada, Oct 4,

Daniel Boese (son of Brian, son of Ernie, son of Jacob, son of Johan 🙂 )

First known post to usenet. Original.

From: (Daniel Boese)
Subject: Re: HELP: Recognising stratigic dispositions.
Date: 1995/05/22
Message-ID: <>#1/1
X-Deja-AN: 103026529
references: <3pivcg$> <> <3pok1p$>
organization: Niagara Peninsula Free-Net

I've been lurking for a while here and am finally putting my $.02 in... :)

Is there any way to combine all of the previously mentioned approaches, 
with limits on each? They've all got advantages, and are more useful in 
certain situations than others (ie, influence mapping seems like it would 
be excellent if you had a several forces on each side, some surrounding 
each other). But is there any way for the AI to recognize which method to 
use in a particular situation? Or would it do a "quickie" run of each, 
and compare?

Then again, I'm not entirely sure I have any idea what I'm talking 
about... :)

Daniel Boese aka Flying Fox

During late high school, moved to a new apartment – across the hall from one where my Nanny and Gramps used to live.

Circa this year (plus or minus a couple), my highschool put on a production of the musical “Hair”. At the end of the run, most of the actors had their locks shorn. That’s around when I stopped getting mine cut.

As I’m also a teetotaler (in good company with Asimov, Feynman, and Randi), and I don’t tend to hang out in graveyards, then depending on who you ask, I could qualify as being some sort of atheistic Nazirite.

Attended Laura Secord Secondary school for most of high school, grades 9 and up.

Late in grade 8, joined a school trip to Boston, Massachusetts.