Late in grade 7, joined a school trip visiting Washington, DC.
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Circa this year, plus or minus a lot, I attached modems to my Commodore 64 (and, later, PC) to connect to local dial-up BBSes, such as “Hogan’s Alley IV” and “Doctor On Board”. Even just 300 baud was fun, though I was, of course, happy to upgrade to 1200, 2400, and more, as it became possible to do so. Some of the BBSes were even part of FidoNet, which let me exchange messages with people across the whole planet, on any topic that I wanted!
Attended Scottlea School, for grades 7 and 8.
Attended Briardale school on a part-time basis for grade 6.
Sometime around this year, started playing with a Nintendo Entertainment System.
Attended Prince of Wales school for grades 5 and 6.
Sometime while I was in grade 4, moved to a new house.
Sometime around this year, started playing with a Commodore 64 computer.
Sometime around this year, started playing with a Commodore VIC-20 computer.
Attended Maywood school for Kindergarten through grade 4.