It appears that today’s power failure has well and truly borked my last fully-functional TV-tuner, a VCR. Right now, I’ve got a fully dead VCR; a VCR that catches cable TV but has no sound and can’t play tapes; a TV that doesn’t have a working tuner of its own; and a DVD player that needs some re-jiggering of cords to be able to play sound.
I’ve also got a laptop that I’ve already been using to download TV shows to watch. Monday night’s TV is already queued up on it. About the only TV I /don’t/ get on it is TV-news and the weather channel… and I’m pretty sure I can live without those, and get that sort of info elsewhere.
I’m thinking of using this as an excuse to just chuck paying for cable TV entirely. Can you think of any real reason to keep it (and presumably buy myself some new TV-tuner-capable-device)?